Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Domestic, Diva, and Desperate Housewife

I am all three, in DH form - domestic, diva, desperate - housewife.
How is that for a headline? Domestic diva desperate...but for what?
Have been thinking about this because of some recent changes in life, disrupting my regular daily routine at home. I am talking about the changing needs/attitudes/temperament of the boys, the new season, and my just-found-out pregnancy. I wrote about my daily schedule before which i have later pretty much adjusted and adapted to. It may be quite crazy for some but i was comfortable with it. It was fine for me to be tired every night. I was okay with my OC-ness. My boys were happy, healthy and safe with me. Until recently when Leaf began to walk and climb on tables, Sami opening closet doors and drawers...If my schedule was crazy before, my daily life at home now is a combination of a circus and a theatre. The boys are like monkeys or clowns or acrobats while i am plain theatrical in movement and voice. My attempts to be un-OC in order to keep really sane for the boys' sake prove only a little effective. Though i wrestle with them on the floor and let them eat Kobsa (bread) in the living room, i still cannot go to bed without vacuuming the floor, cleaning the kitchen, fluffing the pillows, preparing the bed...Some habits are just so hard to break.

Here's how it's like now:

7am-wake up, boil water, brush teeth, wash face, coffee and quiet time, PC

- while doing one of the above Leaf wakes up so he sits with me infront of the PC

- write or check emails, make breakfast, play with Leaf while either making breakfast or writing

-breakfast with Leaf (coffee for me, milk and bread for him)

830am -try to put Leaf down, entertain him with toys, Leaf wakes Sami up, prepare day clothes and diapers

-cuddle in bed (hugs, kisses, and lots of i love you's), TV for Sami while i wash and change Leaf

-go back to the PC (alternate with running after the boys/refereeing fights)

- cook/prepare the real breakfast (eggs, toast, cheese, the like)

- make the bed, turn on laundry machine (laundry already in the washer the night before)

-run after Sami who's climbing the TV then Leaf who's on the PC table wanting to "go inside" the screen (and just when Leaf is down and i am placing back the mouse and the cam on the table, both boys have already turned over the sofa which i used to cover the wire socket and Leaf is trying to pull the plug of the PC)

- sometimes i watch CBS early show and GMA on MBC 4 and Sami is crying "caaaaat!!!" (cartoon channel's Tom and Jerry) so i dance and sing, doing large movements and taking all the living room area just to get their attention and until they dance with me. While doing so, i watch TV. Sometimes i surrender to their cries so i let them watch what they want then i go back to the PC. Leaf is usually calm when his big brother is watching TV and his Mama is close by)

- watch Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune and let the boys play together (ride their bikes, play with toys) or watch the show with me (they look pretty interested/curious watching me "talk" to Alex Trebek and Pat---, reciting a letter of the alphabet...)

10am- breakfast Libyan style while watching Barney, wash Sami

- clean up mess from breakfast

- boys watch TV, i go back to the PC and finish whatever i am writing

- hang clothes, chat if some friend/family member is online (alternate this activity with checking on the boys, playing with them)

- diaper change

12 noon- change TV channel (no more cartoons), play with boys, bike/run around the house,

- clean kitchen, wash dishes, prepare ingredients of lunch

-run after boys ransacking drawers

- turn on cartoon channel for Sami and take a shower (if Leaf sleeps)

1pm- try to cook lunch (if Leaf is awake stay infront of the PC) or stay with the boys in the living room

-check mails again, write/continue tasks online
- boys' snacks (usually cookies/biscuits and juice)

2pm- boys' nap

- cook lunch, clean feeding bottles
- eat lunch, clean kitchen
- clean bathroom
- pick up after boys' mess (scattered toys)

4pm- write or lie down with the boys (Leaf usually wakes up and cry if i am not beside him)

-write or bake or read or watch TV or try to take a nap

5pm- boys wake up, play together (if Tarek is home early, he takes a nap while i play with the boys
- boys' snacks

6pm - boys play with Tarek while i prepare dinner and clean the kitchen
-try to watch Oprah at 6

7pm - dinner (lunch heated)

8pm - do dishes, clean kitchen, vacuum floor, prepare boys' bedtime clothes, prepare the bed

9pm - wash boys, change, go to bed, cuddle

10pm- give milk, boys sleep

-iron clothes, fold clothes, prepare what to cook for breakfast (sometimes i prepare batter for pancakes the night before)

11pm - pray, sleep.

Whew! What a list. I am pretty sure someone will feel stressed out reading this but then being able to write this down seems to have relieved me from stress. It's just so amazing. And strange.