Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Plannin' Again Pinks and Blues

These are my plans for today:
1. Search for images of different herbs (because Tarek's cousin gave me lots of different kinds from Musharatta and i have just made them into a wonderful air freshener.)
2. Search for fun projects for kid's room
3. Cook noodle soup with egg and onions for the boys' lunch
4. Write (i am not really writing yet now.)

Schedule to write about the following:
1. Life in Libya (our welcome, their culture, family)
2. Diva-ness of my Divine Calling as a SAHM (adventures, thoughts)
3. My beloved "The One" husband
4. My sons - growing up
5. Women in Libya
6. Not giving up my Christian faith but integrating the Islam way of life into it.
7. New dreams (of plans of and along with going home, house building/designing, business design, reunions and parties, etc.)

That's just about it for now. It's even too much for me to think since we've been here for nine months already and considering the bulk and weight of experiences i've had here. Omigosh...this would surely be both terrible and amazing.