Sunday, April 5, 2009

One Good Weekend Treat

l-r: the family man, his two boys, his nephew, his bestfriend

the family was treated by papa to the zoo and took along Sami's favorite cousin, Ahmed

the boys were so eager to touch the huge and walking "teddy bear" lol

Ahmed: "Did u like the popcorn?"
Sami: "Let's give him some more!"

this tiger was proudly trotting (even prouder than the lion who looks old, sick and tired and who refused a foto-shoot and opted to sleep) as the boys were kept amazed at how big, lean and snobbish he was.

feeding the pony with...popcorn!

this was my favorite sight...long necked, long legged, graceful, and most of all PINK!!!!

Super pink and white, luminous, dazzling, i love them. i wanted to take two home but couldn't. sigh....

with Ami Dafer feeding the ostriches with popcorn, our signature feeds. lol.

another amusing and amazing sight for the boys...

this is a beauty. another favorite of mine. it's a divine art work. Mashallah!

hello there bear!

Papa, Leaf, Sam and Ahmed...all waiting for the bears to come closer.
It was a wonderful treat from husband dear though he informed me of his plan just a few hours before. Typical Libyan but sweet. We did not get to tour the entire zoo because the boys were getting hungry and we saw the rain coming. Dafer, my husband's friend came along to help us with the boys. He is such a sweet man (and nanny, lol) and we kept on hoping and praying he will finally find someone to love and who will love him back.
the rain came a few minutes after we finished our sandwiches. it was one good weekend.
and oh, husband dear got to take me out shopping with the boys the day before and i got myself two pairs of nice and comfortable maternity clothes for a good price of 85 LD.