Thursday, April 2, 2009

just musings about everything

have been trying to get some peace and quiet in installlment terms today. have to chase the boys every now and then...
i need this time for myself every morning in order to have a good start- coffee, internet (checking mails, mesages, news, etc.) and a silent prayer.
found myself wanting to see Morocco and other exotic countries after viewing travel fotos of a friend in facebook.
found myself figuring out how to re arrange the bedroom to be more child-friendly and baby-friendly. we have a double-decked bed which the boys love to climb. we have a bed only Tarek sleep on because i sleep on the floor with the boys, using the foam mattress of the double deck beds. and there's the dresser which the drawers are always rasacked by the boys and sometimes i find them emptying my facial cream and other cosmetic bottles. they are trying new tricks now since the dresser top is already bare of anything, not even a hair brush.

they do have a very wide play-area filled with toys but they seem to be in need of something new every week- a new toy, a new trick, a new children's video to watch. i find myself stressed out thiking of new ways to entertain them. when i spend time with them either playing ro watcing videos, they always get all over me - wanting to ride my bulging tummy (i could not let them ride my back now for a horsey) or press it. i love their affection towards me but oh im thinking of the baby in my tummy too. funny, they call her "tweety" and i do not have any idea where they got that.

i've been making lots of lists again- on what to do, to organize, to buy, to research on the net about, etc...

i might be "nesting" already but i couldnt seem to do anything for i already have my hands so full with the boys and their ever growing need for everything. i am just waiting for the helper to come with tito a few weeks from now.

for today i have a menu to plan and a list of things to buy. tonight we are entertaining filipino friends at tito's flat in janzour and inshallah on friday we have Tarek's italian officemate and his wife as guests for dinner. i have practicaly no idea what they like to eat and that i can cook so i plan to play it safe and go stir fry some veggies perhaps and top it on some pasta...and let tarek grill some meat...i have to plan this.

and there's the closet...needs to be repaired or the doors redone so the boys won't be able to open them.
and there's some shopping to do later for some maternity outfits for me. this baby has been helping a lot for i have never been in shape and pregnant like this before. with \sam and \leaf i have always looked like a cow, but thank goodness for this pregnancy, i kept fit and slim and have less problem with the need for new clothing until now. my only problem is the waistline so i can still basically wear my house dresses. i can still even wear my strechable, low waist jeans. wow!

have to order Anew (of Avon) from my cousin back home. could not find the brand here. some brands from here like Olay and L'oreal doesn't seem to work well on my asian face. or it is because of the climate or my pregnancy, i dunno. i grew crow's feet under my eyes, and some miniature facial warts, creases and pre-mature wrinkles. my skin looks oily-dry, i could not determine the type anymore. inshallah on my next ob-visit (ahhh...we decided to go back to the old hospital and that male doctor for he is offering his service for free and to think, it is in a hi-tech, international hospital, so thank god for this and some good connections) i plan to inquire the derma clinic there about their services and the rate. back home for a regular facial, one can get it for a minimum of 10 dollars, and wart removal with laser costs about 50 dollars and this is done by the dermatologist herself. so i have yet to compare prices.

there are tons of things i wanted from home which cost a lot cheaper compared to the ones sold here. one can get a good brand of children's clothes for 10 dollars (like disney brands and they are original) which costs about 30 dinars here...and there's branded make-up, toiletries, textile, etc...
now i am thinking of opening a shop here...
so like Iman. (have to link here blog here.)

ahhh, plans, pursuits and plain headaches!


on the edge said...

Busy planning away huh ? It is hard to keep little ones busy all the time . Why do you sleep on the floor with the boys ? As a birth control , I don't think it is working , lol !Good luck with everything !

Pinky Tabor said...

hi OTE! miss u.
oh we sleep on the floor because my boys still "play" even during sleep and they always fall off the bed. lol.