Sunday, August 23, 2009

Dishes Galore!!!!

I posted the menu in Kitchen of Grace. Dishes for Ramadan...and dishes to wash. Endless...

getting busier each night. i don't know why.

but then, after the tummy is filled, there always seem to be a succeeding peace and quiet...some calm in the atmosphere...a smile, then a kiss. This is why fasting month is called "Happy".

Happy Ramadan!


on the edge said...

It has been one of the best Ramadans for us so far . It is amazing how nice it is to relax after all the days work is finished huh ? How are the little ones ? The baby . When you get a chance let us have a new picture of the kiddos so we can see how they have grown .Hope you were able to find some help .Salam to you and Hubby , OTE